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NoGi Joint lock offense: the Arm saddle & Heel hook game
General theory of joint locks
1. Introduction and general theory of joint locking (4:03)
2. The different offensive opportunities presented by armlocks and leglocks (3:56)
3. Further advantages and disadvantages of armlocks and leglocks (8:09)
4. 2 general sets of defensive mechanics we will have to overcome when pursuing joint locks (4:43)
5. Adapting our armlock game for NoGi (6:13)
6. Basic division of entries into the arm saddle (12:43)
7. Avoiding the reverse kneebar as we go for the arm saddle (2:54)
8.1 6 main offensive options from the arm saddle (12:25)
8.2 6 main offensive options from the arm saddle (12:04)
9. Transitioning into the legs from the arm saddle (4:48)
10. Gaining an arm saddle from a sliding 4 point position (22:31)
11. Using a bottom side triangle from an arm saddle and a top side triangle from a pinned Juji Gatame (17:47)
12. Using a shoulder crunch into a hook sweep to sequence directly into a top arm saddle (5:13)
13. Creating a dilemma between leg attacks and the arm saddle from the guard (3:17)
14.1 Using the threat of the break to make positional advancements in the pinned Juji Gatame (13:12)
14.2 Using the threat of the break to make positional advancements in the pinned Juji Gatame (7:26)
15. Sequencing into armlocks from the back control (8:25)
16. Cycling through the 3 main variations of Juji Gatame (3:26)
17. Application of straight armlocking breaking mechanics in all 3 major variations of Juji Gatame (6:22)
18. Basic prerequisites to apply heel hooks (7:08)
19. Introduction the concept of optimal heel exposure mechanics (2:12)
20. Different pathways to establish the 3 basic prerequisites for heel hooks (4:18)
21. 3 major methods of entangling our opponents legs (3:12)
22. Basics of entangling an opponent with a straight Ashi Garami (5:34)
23. Entangling a standing opponent with a straight Ashi Garami (3:20)
24. Sequencing between different straight Ashi Garami variations against a standing opponent (7:05)
25.1 The Outside reap from the K guard (8:28)
26.2 The Outside reap from the X guard and bottom crab ride (13:54)
27. The best way to expose a standing opponents heel using pressure to the back of our opponents knee (13:00)
28. Bottom 5050 heel exposure strategies making use of pressure to the back of our opponents knee (10:19)
29. Introduction to the concept of lower body back exposure (5:37)
30. Example of the dilemma we can create regarding back of knee exposure (2:34)
31. The best way to expose someone's heel in a double seated situation (11:05)
32. Overcoming the problem of the curled leg in a double seated 5050 (7:16)
Sequencing together Arm-lock and Leg-Locks: seminar at Tick Tock Jiu Jitsu
Seminar table of contents
Seminar video
Rolling footage and analysis
Black basement rolling analysis 1 (17:48)
Black basement rolling analysis 2 (16:07)
Black basement rolling analysis 3 (17:00)
31. The best way to expose someone's heel in a double seated situation
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